The design is very important, but it's not everything. You also need to develop a clear message. If your user likes your webpage design and decides to stay on your webpage, the second thing that they will look at is your information. All information should be clear, concise, informative, and interesting. It should capture your reader's attention and tell them everything they need to know while still being to the point. Don't bore your clients, keep them interested!
Another important step when improving your website conversion rates is to determine your target market. Who will use your product or service? Will it be males or females? Adults or children? The more you understand about your target market, the better you will be able to market to them. Understand what your market likes and use this to create information and designs that will be attractive to them. (Now I'm back to the step number one - design... do you see how everything fits together? It's more a puzzle than a manual. lol)
Another big one on the list of 'how to improve your conversion rates' is communication. If a customer cannot easily find how to contact you, you may lose their business. Always be sure that you have contact information readily available and have someone available to answer your client's questions.
Let's talk about the follow up for a minute. If you want to turn a visitor into a buyer, you need to focus on following up. Creating a website is not enough. You must be sure to update your website as often as possible, keeping your potential clients informed and updated. Also, always follow up on inquiries and comments. Whether a client leaves a positive or negative comment, always reply. Thank them for positive comments and reply to negative comments by letting users know how you will work to improve on the negative aspect of the future.
If you really want to improve your website conversion rates, you need to provide a quality product or service. Business is a crowded place and you probably have a lot of competition (and if you don't make sure you're in the right niche). You need to give your clients a reason to purchase from you. Providing quality and incentives will help to turn potential clients into paying clients.
Finally, and most importantly, you need to gain the trust of your users. Many people are very cautious when buying online (and rightfully so!). If you want to make a sale, you need to gain the trust of your clients. Website design is a good start in gaining trust. It can also be accomplished by providing an address, as well as a contact phone number for inquiries. If you don't have a business address, get a postal box. There are ways to protect your privacy while still building trust with your clients.
The above are some tips to show you how to improve your website conversion rates. Use the tips above to help build your small business and watch how much difference they will make in your sales!